Achieving Superior Performance: Exploring the Relationship Between Work Stress, Work Culture, and Job Satisfaction


  • Hari Purwanto Universitas Terbuka
  • Rismawati Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Surabaya
  • Agus Susanto Universitas Terbuka



Employee Performance, Job Satisfaction, Job Stress, Work Culture


The purpose of this study is to analyze work stress on employee performance at the State Treasury Service Office, to analyze the influence of work culture on employee performance at the State Treasury Service Office, to analyze the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance at the Kupang State Treasury Service Office, and to analyze the dominant influence on employee performance at the State Treasury Service Office (KPPN). This research is a mix methods research. Variables in the study are variables of work stress, work culture, job satisfaction and employee performance. Population and Research Sample are KPPN employees. Survey data collection techniques are by providing research instruments to respondents (employees selected to be samples). As well as in-depth interviews. Data Analysis Method is cross section data that leads to individuals, companies or between regions, cross section data is calculated using SPSS 25. The results of this study, (1) work Culture partially has a significant effect on the performance of KPPN employees, (2) partial job satisfaction has a significant effect on the performance of KPPN employees.


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How to Cite

Purwanto, H., Rismawati, R., & Susanto, A. (2023). Achieving Superior Performance: Exploring the Relationship Between Work Stress, Work Culture, and Job Satisfaction. Innovation Business Management and Accounting Journal, 2(4), 257–263.